If you have suffered injuries from a slip and fall accident due to a property owner’s negligence, contact a slip and fall lawyer in East Orange, New Jersey, to ensure your rights are protected and take the following steps.
1. Get Medical Treatment
Immediately after a slip and fall accident, see a doctor. A medical report provides evidence that the fall occurred and details the extent of your injuries. Ensure you complete the aftercare plan set by your doctor.
2. Report the Accident
Report the accident to the property owners. If it happened at work, make an official report with management and get a copy. If police are involved, keep a copy of the police report for your records.
3. Document the Fall Site and Injuries With Photos
Take pictures to document the site of your slip and fall accident and your injuries, including bruises, casts, bandages, and stitches. Make sure to take photos of the site before it is cleaned or repaired and document the lack of warning signs.
4. Create a File
Keep an organized file of the documents and photos pertaining to your slip and fall. Include your medical report, evidence of medical treatment, any accident reports, and photos that document your case.
5. Keep the Evidence
Keep any personal clothing or items damaged in the slip and fall. Leave them untouched in a sealed plastic bag. Blood, dirt, or damage to the items provide evidence of the seriousness of your fall.
6. Don’t Talk About the Accident
Slip and fall accidents require an investigation. The opposition and their insurance company may try to get you to admit blame.
Whether your accident was transient, meaning it was caused by temporary conditions such as ice or liquid spill, or static, meaning it was caused by more long-lasting conditions such as poor stair construction or unsafe lighting, do not speak to anyone about your accident other than your lawyer.
Do not post information or photos on social media or sign any documents regarding your slip and fall without your lawyer’s knowledge.
7. Schedule a Free Consultation
Visit a lawyer as soon as possible after a slip and fall accident. Schedule a free consultation with a law firm you can trust. Our slip and fall attorneys in East Orange, New Jersey, will look over your case and assist you in getting a settlement you deserve.