There are 90 million dogs in the United States. Half of all households have at least one dog. Every year, about 4.5 million people are bitten, and 800,000 of these bites require medical care.
If you’ve been injured in such an attack, our New Jersey dog bite lawyers are available to discuss all options you have for recovering damages.
Dog Bite Statute
New Jersey law provides that a dog owner is liable for its animal biting a person if:
- The person is in a public place, or the person is lawfully in a private place, including the dog owner’s property;
- “Regardless of the former viciousness of such dog or the owner’s knowledge of such viciousness.”
This is a strict liability law because it makes the owner liable regardless of fault and any prior history of the dog’s behavior.
For the purposes of this statute, a person is lawfully on private property if they are a professional performing their duties – like a mail carrier. A person is likewise lawfully on private property if they are a guest at the dog owner’s home. The law does not protect trespassers.
Common Dog Bite Injuries
Dog bites can cause severe injuries. These include puncture wounds, nerve damage, partial amuptations, infections, and rabies. All of these can lead to serious complications.
What Happens if You Get a Dog Bite?
If you’re bitten, there are several steps you should take:
- Wash the bitten area, even if the bite is minor. Dogs can carry various bacteria and disease.
- Seek medical attention if you have any concerns about the severity of the wound.
- Find out if the dog is up to date with their rabies shots. Don’t just rely on the owner’s word, but insist on seeing proof like a rabies tag or veterinarian documentation.
- Get contact information from the owner, and ask any possible witnesses for their contact information as well.
- Let local animal control know.
After these immediate steps, consider legal representation. Our New Jersey dog bite lawyers are experts in the law and how to proceed in getting you a fair settlement.
Damages for Dog Bites
You are entitled to medical expenses and lost income as a result of missing work due to your injuries. Pain and suffering damages are also available and can be substantial.
Your New Jersey Dog Bite Lawyers
If you’ve suffered a serious dog bite, there’s enough on your mind. Let our experienced attorneys represent you today. Please contact the Law Office of Peter Briskin, P.C. today by calling us at (908) 279-7979 or contacting us here.